Content Writing

Words are the currency of effective marketing and advertising. Alongside the strategy and structure of great marketing campaigns are the ideas and descriptions that sell the audience on that product, service, or idea. One of the default job duties which comes from being an online/search engine marketer is that you oversee a lot of copywriting. From writing text ads, to banner ad copy and social media posts, to writing all the content of the client’s website, understanding great content and persuasive messaging is a key talent to cultivate.

As the longstanding SEO manager and director, I’ve certainly worn many copywriting hats. From writing text ads, banner ads, and landing pages for literally hundreds of Google Adwords and PPC clients, to writing pages of content, articles, and press releases for a variety of business websites, to managing large-scale content projects with hundreds of pages of content for our larger clients.

Some writing samples

  • Websites which I wrote the content for:

  • Examples of landing pages I’ve designed and created content for:

  • Examples of projects I’ve hired and managed copywriters to create content:

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